Tristan Garner Mini Q&A (via Nighttunes)

Last night, I had the privilege of sitting down (via the interweb & Nighttunes) with Tristan Garner. In the little time I had to shoot some Questions at him I saw something I havent seen in many artists who have hit the spotlight running… Tristan Garner seemed to have a pretty good understanding of the whole deal and was a really chill, down to earth guy. It is refreshing to see this is a guy who is literally traveling the world, doing what alot f us would kill to do, play music for the enjoyment of others… and not letting it all get to his head…

Question BR: What would you say is the most important step you took for your career in terms of being Full Time (producer/djing) ?

Answer TG: I failed my swedish exams, and i’ve decided to take one year off to focus on my music. That was the best decision ever LOL

Question BR:Do you like the idea of MIDI controllers entering the DJ market or do you think its only reserved for things like CDJ’s?

Answer TG:  love this idea and i’m planning to work on a new live show with midi controlled guitar + hardwares… stay tuned

Question: What is your favorite drink ?

Answer TG: Mojitooooo !!

Question : Do you drink alcohol on Stage ?

Answer TG: I try to stay clean on stage, and i’m so into my tricks most of time i don’t have time to drink !

Question: Do you have hearing loss because of your job?

Answer TG: Yeah on my left ear !! Protect your ears guys !

Question: Any Plans on returning to Montreal ?

Answer TG: I do a west canada tour in 2 weeks.. not sure about Montreal but i’d love to be back and rock the clubs !


Thanks to Nighttunes for hooking up the Chat and Info, Check out their blog, the best House Blog online..period